
The American Shetland Pony Club Inc., has a program for everyone. With such a diverse membership and variety of small equine, we have developed programs that help promote activities in and out of the showring, from novice to the experienced trainer.

Youth Program

The AMHR/ASPC Youth Program provides opportunities for children under the age of 18 to experience many facets of training, showing and owning a Shetland pony or miniature horse. Many scholarships and awards are offered, thanks to the generosity of sponsors, and membership is FREE. Once a membership card is issued, it is valid until you graduate from youth status to adult member (tip: you might want to laminate your membership card when you receive it). The Youth Committee works hard to give the future of our club, our youth, a chance to shine - please review the youth manual for a comprehensive look at what is offered.

Amateur Program

It has been said that the foundation of our organization is our Amateurs. The American Shetland Pony Club Inc. created this program 13 short years ago and it is one of the fastest growing group of exhibitors in the organization. Whether it's Shetland ponies and/or miniature horses, there are opportunities to earn awards and participate in and out of the show ring.

Futurity & Incentive Programs

With a well-designed futurity and incentive program, the cash payout continues to grow as the number of participants increase and our programs are no exception. Futurity programs for ASPC, AMHR, ASPR and Super G continue to flourish and reward excellence.

Sweepstakes Programs

Another opportunity to earn cash and recognition is through our ASPC Sweepstakes, AMHR Sweepstakes and Modern Sweepstakes.

Other Incentives

Super Gelding is just one of the additional incentive programs developed by and for the organization. This particular program has just been revamped to make it easier to participate and showcase your super gelding! Find Out More About Super Gelding Program

